Monday, September 29, 2008

Monster Children and Happiness VS Quality of Lifestyle

We all have had that experience of being next to that mom and her little brat in that restaurant or store. The kid will be screaming,

“Mommy, I want that toy or candy NOW! NOW MOMMY! I WANT IT! AYEEEEE!”

The child thrashes about on the floor and makes a huge fuss as he throws his tantrum. The mother pleads helplessly to her child to stop and to behave but the child does not relent until the mother capitulates and buys him his treat. It might be even worse. I have even heard small toddlers use profanities on their parents in their rants. A generation ago, their parents would have spanked their children into line and then have taken them home to a grueling punishment.

That doesn’t happen now. Most of today’s parents are too busy working their own jobs to effectively raise their own children. Today’s society, now almost in all cases, requires both parents work to maintain a high quality of living. We are working so hard for that standard of living that we are trading happiness and the proper moral upbringing of our children. It used to be that the husband could be the lone breadwinner of the family and that the mother could raise the child. Today, either the husband or wife could stay home if winning the bread weren’t so hard. I believe that all the taxes and insurance keep both parents out of the household and at their jobs. Of course they want the best for their child so they work hard to bring in money but maybe their presence is the best thing for the child. Nothing is more important than family time and bonds. Not that new big screen TV, not that new car, that promotion, or those additions to the house.

To correct the moral upbringing of our children and raise the happiness of today’s citizens, we need less tax from the government to make it easier to earn a living and so the parents can be there for their kids.

Here is a link to the Wikipedia on family values
and from that page there is a whole list of links to a list of more family moral issues pages.


Chris Getz said...

I agree with your comments about how children are being raised these days or I guess not being raised since many times there parents are too busy working to raise them. However, I don't agree with your reasons for why this is happening. I don't think we can blame taxes for why kids are such brats. The parents that have trouble putting food on the table aren't going to have much of a problem telling there kids they won't buy them a new xbox game or even xbox. I think this generation of brats is only among the upper class and it is a result of people trying to flash their wealth or justify not spending time with their children. Many people in America work far more than they need to just to put food on the table and pay their taxes. It's these people that have the means to buy all kinds of toys that end up succumbing to their children's every want

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, CIV, but also with Chris here that taxation is not the source of the problem. Americans' rate of taxation is less than in most other advanced countries, so let's not blame the government for our nation's spoiled children. These people are working for the goodies touted by our consumer society and displayed by our role models, the rich and famous, who also act like brats. I'd blame the consumer society, not the government.

Thyrston said...

I too was planning on writing a blog about spoiled children in today's society. I recently attended a football game with my family friends, who have a son who's about 10 years old. At half time the mom asked the boy if he wanted her to "feed him." I found this phrasing to be odd. She then came back with the food and cut it up for him. He is 10 years old and more than capable of feeding himself!

Parents in today's society are often afraid to be the bad guy. This is partly related to a point that you brought up. When hard-working parents come home they don't want to have to yell at their children. They want to be friends with them. This sends the message to the children that it is okay to act out because Mom and Dad won't do anything about it. Parents need to be mature enough to punish a child if they are acting inappropriately. They are parents and therefore are required to be the bad guy sometimes.

As far as my family friends go, some parents just don't know when to let go. At a certain age, children are able to feed and clothe themselves. Yet some parents do not recognize that. A parent's job is to prepare their child to be a responsible individual who can take care of themselves. Some parents didn't get that memo.

As far as the taxation aspect goes, I strongly disagree with that angle. Denmark is one of the most highly taxed countries in the world, yet they are one of the happiest. This is due to the fact that their country provides many more services for them because of the taxes being paid. About half of a Danish citizen’s paycheck goes back to the government. Yet they find a way to raise a happy and healthy family that has manners.